Category: Commerce & Industry, Employment
National Archives and Records Administraton The Way We Worked Imagine working in a coal mine. Or in a steel mill. Or at a telephone switchboard. Work and workplaces have gone through enormous transformations between the mid 19th and late 20th centuries. You can view these changes through photographs held by the National Archives and Records Administration. These historical photographs document: The distinctiveness of America's workforce was shaped by many factors—immigration and ethnicity, slavery and racial segregation, wage labor and technology, gender roles, class, as well as ideals of freedom and equality. Most importantly, these images honor those who built this country—the working men and women of America.
Kheel Center Labor Photos We do our best to verify database contents, but sometimes conflicting information is available. If you would like to suggest a correction or add new information about images in our database please contact Barb Morley at and include the photo identification number (e.g. 5780pb32f14a) along with your recommendations. If you would like to donate images or other material documenting organized labor or employment relations, please contact us at 607-255-3183 or 10 November, 2011