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: Social Sciences » Area Studies

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: United States

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: Maryland

Category: Area Studies, Text, United States, Maryland

2 results


Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage About Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage (MDCH) is a collaborative, statewide digitization program headquartered at the Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center in Baltimore. Our program partners with Maryland libraries, archives, historical societies, museums, and other institutions to digitize and provide free online access to materials relating to the state's history and culture. Since the program began in 2002, MDCH's collections have grown to include over 5,000 items, such as maps, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, books, and other media. Tips for using our digital collections:

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Looking Back on the American Century February 5 � April 30, 2000 In 1940 publisher Henry Luce used the phrase "the American Century" to describe the emergence of the United States as the preeminent world power. Beginning with the accession of a young and energetic Theodore Roosevelt to the Presidency in 1901, the United States began to turn its vast resources onto the world stage. Since that time, through world wars, depression, boom times, social upheavals, scientific and technological developments, and cultural trends, the United States vigorously placed its stamp of influence on the 20th Century. This exhibition presents a small taste of the American Century.

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