Category: Education, Illinois
From Alchemy to Chemistry: Five Hundred Years of Rare and Interesting Books This website grew out of an exhibit held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Rare Book Room in April 2000. The Eastern Illinois Section of the American Chemical Society provided support for the construction of this website. The exhibit, "From Alchemy to Chemistry: 500 Years of Rare and Interesting Books," was co-curated by Tina Chrzastowski (Chemistry Librarian), Vera Mainz (Director, VOICE NMR Lab, School of Chemical Sciences), and Gregory Girolami (Professor of Chemistry).
This online publication reproduces in digital form the text and images from the four University of Chicago Centennial Exhibition Catalogues. These publications were issued in conjunction with a series of exhibitions organized by the Department of Special Collections, now the Special Collections Research Center, to celebrate the 1991-1992 Centennial of the University of Chicago.