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Category: Arts & Humanities, Image, English, Score

3 results


About This Collection The Yiddish language sheet music in this digital collection is part of the large Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library. The digital collection is composed of public domain (pre-1923) titles; when the project is completed it is expected that it will be comprised of approximately 700 titles. Most of the Yiddish sheet music in the collection came from the collection of Menache Vaxer, a Yiddish writer and Hebraist of Russia, and was acquired by the Library in 1968, which included over 850 pieces of piano-vocal or instrumental music, dating from the 1890s through the 1940s. This core collection has been added to by purchase and gift since that time, and the entire Yiddish sheet music collection now totals approximately 2000 items.

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What is IGRA? The International Guitar Research Archive What is IGRA? The International Guitar Research Archive (IGRA) is one of the world’s largest collections of guitar sheet music. Housed here are works for solo guitar, as well as ensemble pieces for multiple guitars and other instruments. There is a variety of music, some of it rare and unique. The majority of the sheet music comes from the Vahdah Olcott-Bickford Estate, providing the foundation for the Archive. In the following years, IGRA received collections from the Laurindo Almeida Estate, Vicente Gomez, Clarence Easley, Christopher Parkening, Robert Strizich, John Tanno, Angelo Gillardino, and Neil Anderson. IGRA’s founder, Ron Purcell, has donated his personal collection as well. In addition to Ms.

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Chopin Collection The Chopin Collection at the University of Chicago Library The Chopin Collection at the University of Chicago Library consists of over 400 first and early printed editions of musical compositions by Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849). The Collection, maintained in the Special Collections Research Center, includes items within the following scope: The Library continues to acquire items for the Collection that fit the above criteria. The cut-off date of 1881 is used because of the 1878-80 Works , the most scholarly collected edition of the 19th century, published in Leipzig by Breitkopf & Härtel.

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