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: Social Sciences » History & Historiography

Category: History & Historiography

Results 1 - 21 of 116


Africa Past and Present is a podcast about history, culture, and politics in Africa and the diaspora. The show highlights interesting and significant people, ideas, and discussions in African Studies from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. Our mission is to broaden the availability and accessibility of cutting-edge knowledge relating to African experiences and to do so in a down-to-earth and informed manner. Shows feature interviews with eminent scholars and persons, commentary on current events, and issues and debates of relevance to Africans at home and abroad.

♥ 7
3,686 reads

Ajami is the centuries-old practice of using modified Arabic scripts to write non-Arabic languages. It comes from the Arabic word for foreigner or non-Arab and is used widely throughout West Africa for both religious and secular writings.

Ajami in the Senegambia makes accessible over 20 handwritten ajami manuscripts produced by West African scholars. The texts contain insightful discussions on mutual understanding between people of different faiths, races and ethnic backgrounds in Senegambia. They capture several Senegambian Muslim scholars' views on peaceful cohabitation, moderation and non-violence that have been a prominent feature of Senegambian communities.

♥ 5
3,610 reads

The South Africa Film and Video Project (SAFVP) assists in preserving and making accessible moving images from the years of struggle against apartheid. This project aims to safeguard memories of this important political movement and to inspire citizens of South Africa and the world to promote justice and reconciliation in our own time. In addition to on-line streaming of the productions, copies of some materials are being made available through the MSU Libraries.

♥ 7
3,325 reads

The African Activist Archive is preserving and making available online the records of activism in the United States to support the struggles of African peoples against colonialism, apartheid, and social injustice from the 1950s through the 1990s. The website includes:
growing online archive of historical materials - pamphlets, newsletters, leaflets, buttons, posters, T-shirts, photographs, and audio and video recordings
personal remembrances and interviews with activists
an international directory of collections deposited in libraries and archives

♥ 4
4,010 reads

Feature Video The CVET archive is a unique, publicly accessible video record of the peak of popular resistance against apartheid. Browse Genres February 13, 1990 This project is supported by the South African Film and Video Project .

♥ 3
3,978 reads

About Overcoming Apartheid and Michigan State University This educational website provides primary source materials, newly-written narrative, and curriculum ideas for teaching high school and undergraduate students about the many generations who struggled to end apartheid and build democracy in South Africa. Interviews with more than 60 people bring this history alive. Many important oral history projects are being undertaken in South Africa, but few are online. This website’s 40 hours of interviews – and 120 segments created from them – are a unique historical resource for anyone who cares about people determined to become free from oppression.

♥ 2
4,803 reads

Filipino Workers in Hawaii, 1926 FILIPINO WORKERS IN HAWAII, 1926 Photographs taken by Lt. Colonel Duckworth-Ford on an assignment to Hawaii regarding the labor conditions of Filipino laborers in Hawaii; they are described by Duckworth-Ford. The photographs show Filipino laborers and their relatives, fields and lands, water sources, plantation buildings, laborer housing and schools, store, hospital facility, labor officials. Also sugar cane planting and harvesting, cane processing equipment, cane transport.

♥ 6
3,667 reads

The Valley Project details life in two American communities, one Northern and one Southern, from the time of John Brown's Raid through the era of reconstruction. In this digital archive you may explore thousands of original letters and diaries, newspapers and speeches, census and church records, left by men and women in Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Giving voice to hundreds of individual people, the Valley Project tells forgotten stories of life during the era of the civil war.

♥ 8
6,076 reads

My Collections DIGITAL LIBRARY The Theodore Roosevelt Digital Library includes letters to and from Roosevelt, diary entries, notes, political cartoons, scrapbooks, and more. Timeline Explore the timelines for important dates in TR’s personal and political life, military career, publications, hunting and exploration trips, as well as his time in Dakota Territory. About Us News Explore digital updates, articles and upcoming events. Mission Our goal here at the Theodore Roosevelt Center is to raise the profile of Theodore Roosevelt and to preserve his legacy through events, publications, and the creation of a comprehensive digital presidential library that is freely accessible worldwide via the internet.

♥ 3
3,803 reads

The Institute's collection of Asian art represents seventeen Asian cultures spanning over 5,000 years. The Department of Asian Arts has benefited greatly from generous gifts from knowledgeable collectors. Augustus L. Searle, Alfred F. Pillsbury, Richard P. Gale, Louis W. Hill, Jr., and Ruth and Bruce Dayton have donated specialized collections of international reputation, including ancient Chinese bronzes, ancient and post-Sung jade, Chinese monochrome ceramics, Ukiyo-e paintings, Japanese prints, and classical Chinese furniture. In addition, highly regarded specialized collections of Ch'ing dynasty silk textiles, Miao textiles, and surimono prints have been built over the years. The curatorial department's goal is to provide the public with a broad overview of Asian art.

♥ 5
3,164 reads

IRON RANGE RESEARCH CENTER Archival Collections All Collections About the collections In order to encourage the study of Iron Range history, the Iron Range Research Center identifies, collects, processes, catalogs, preserves, displays, and makes easily accessible the historically significant written, oral, and visual records of Minnesota’s Iron Range. The Iron Range Research Center has digitized items from a number of its collections and provides finding aids and abstracts for many others. Use the links to the left to explore our digital resources. Working to make more of our collection accessible online is a top priority.

♥ 0
2,430 reads

The College of Saint Benedict Archives collects the historical records of the College, 1961 to present. Vivarium includes photos, maps, and scans of publications and documents, with more to come. In addition to materials found here, see also the CSB Digital Archives Page Search for Text: For a general search of the collection by keyword, simply type a word or words in the box below. Do not add Boolean operators between words; the "and" is automatically used by the search engine. Search by Exact Phrase: Use this search box for searching the transcripts for names, titles, and other exact phrases. ...Or Browse Some of Its Parts: Alumnae publications :     The Handshake , CSB Alumnae Magazine Feb.

♥ 2
2,325 reads

Minnesota Reflections  Minnesota Reflections All Collections The American Swedish Institute, a historic museum dedicated to the celebration of Swedish culture, is home to collections on the history of Swedish immigration to the United States, particularly immigration to Minnesota, Swedish-American life and culture and the history and culture of Sweden as it has influenced Swedish America. The... more... The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation is a non-profit health and human services organization founded by a philanthropic Saint Paul businessman, Amherst H. Wilder and his family. For more than 100 years, Wilder has combined direct service, research, and community development to address the needs of the most vulnerable people in greater Saint... more...

♥ 0
4,522 reads

About New York Heritage is a project of the NY 3Rs Association, Inc. New York Heritage is a project of the NY 3Rs Association, Inc. New York Heritage is a research portal for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the people, places and institutions of New York State. The site provides free access to more than 170 distinct digital collections, totalling hundreds of thousands of items. The collections in New York Heritage represent a broad range of historical, scholarly, and cultural materials held in libraries, museums, and archives throughout the state. Collection items include photographs, letters, diaries, directories, maps, newspapers, books, and more.

♥ 1
2,243 reads

ANNOUNCEMENTS   The continued Web presence of the Papyrology Collection is made possible by:  The University of Michigan Library ,  The National Endowment for the Humanities ,  The Dorot Foundation ,  The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) ,  U-M Office of the Vice President for Research , The R.G. Conger Fund, The Edwin E. and Mary U. Meader Papyrology Endowment, and The Parsons Fund. CONTACT We welcome your feedback on our web site. University Library 818 Hatcher Graduate Library South 913 S. University Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190

♥ 2
2,282 reads

About the Photo Collection Share with Friends The San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection contains photographs and works on papers of San Francisco and California scenes ranging from 1850 to the present. This collection includes views of San Francisco street scenes, buildings, and neighborhoods, as well as photographs of famous San Francisco personalities. The collection consists mostly of the photo morgue of the San Francisco News-Call Bulletin , a daily newspaper, ranging from 1920s to 1965. The collection also contains albums, slides, postcards, cabinet cards, stereoviews, and lantern slides of San Francisco and California subjects. Copies of images may be ordered with the Reproduction of Images Form (PDF 31K).

♥ 3
2,153 reads

Cambridge Digital Library Introducing the Cambridge Digital Library Cambridge University Library contains evidence of some of the greatest ideas and discoveries over two millennia. We want to make our collections accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection and a thirst for knowledge." —Anne Jarvis, University Librarian Over the course of six centuries Cambridge University Library's collections have grown from a few dozen volumes into one of the world's great libraries, with an extraordinary accumulation of books, maps, manuscripts and journals. These cover every conceivable aspect of human endeavour, spanning most of the world's cultural traditions.

♥ 9
3,200 reads

Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage About Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage (MDCH) is a collaborative, statewide digitization program headquartered at the Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center in Baltimore. Our program partners with Maryland libraries, archives, historical societies, museums, and other institutions to digitize and provide free online access to materials relating to the state's history and culture. Since the program began in 2002, MDCH's collections have grown to include over 5,000 items, such as maps, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, books, and other media. Tips for using our digital collections:

♥ 2
2,390 reads

About Calisphere Calisphere is the University of California's free public gateway to a world of primary sources. More than 200,000 digitized items — including photographs, documents, newspaper pages, political cartoons, works of art, diaries, transcribed oral histories, advertising, and other unique cultural artifacts — reveal the diverse history and culture of California and its role in national and world history. Calisphere's content has been selected from the libraries and museums of the UC campuses, and from a variety of cultural heritage organizations across California. See the list of contributing institutions. Calisphere is a public service project of the California Digital Library (CDL).

♥ 1
2,054 reads

About the Denver Public Library's Western History and Genealogy Digital Collections The Digital Collections had their origins in the Photo Digitization Project which was started in the early 1990’s by Augie Mastrogiuseppe, the Library’s Curator of Photographs at the time. The project’s goal was to improve access to the Western History photograph collection and help preserve the original items by creating digital copies. Over the years, the project was funded by grants from organizations including the Boettcher Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Colorado Historic Fund.

♥ 2
2,968 reads

About Volunteer Voices Volunteer Voices is Tennessee's statewide digitization program involving the state's archives, libraries, repositories, historic homes and museums. Its goals are to improve access to digital collections that document Tennessee's history and culture, facilitate use of these collections in K-16 classrooms and by the general public; and offer training opportunities for personnel to learn digitization standards and best practices. This new Volunteer Voices website offers a single access point for searching digital collections across the state. The current site searches the following collections: The Growth of Democracy in Tennessee, the collection that most Tennesseans associate with Volunteer Voices.

♥ 0
1,563 read