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Category: Arts & Humanities, Image, English, Cities, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States, Wisconsin

2 results


NEH Grant Project: Saving and Sharing the AGS Library's Historic Nitrate Negative Images With generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the American Geographical Society Library of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries (AGSL) has been able to institute a two-year, $315,000 grant project. Our NEH grant project "Saving and Sharing the AGS Library's Historic Nitrate Negative Images" began in May 2010. The scope of the project is to re-house, scan, create metadata for, and preserve on a long-term basis, the approximately 68,000 nitrate negatives in its photography collection. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide universal access to this rich resource over the Internet.

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Scope and Content The Digital Project Credits The AGS Library and UWM Libraries are grateful for continuing material support for the Digital Photo Archive project from Suzanne and Dr. Robert McColl. Project Staff: Krystyna K.

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