Category: Law & Government, Text, Latin, Religious law
1 result
Canon Law UCLA's Charles E. Young Research Library is fortunate to have a complete set of the 1582 Corpus Juris Canonici , the "Body of Canon Law." These three volumes contain not only the medieval collections of laws—notably, Gratian's Decretum (ca. 1140), Gregory IX's Liber Extra (1234), and Boniface VIII's Liber Sextus (1298)�but also the elaborate Ordinary Glosses and further commentaries on the laws that take up the vast inner margins, with further annotations on outer margins. These glosses, which are absolutely essential to historians of law, have not been reprinted since the seventeenth century, and copies are scarce.
California | Canon law | Christianity | English | Image | Latin | Law | Medieval history | Religious law | Text | United States | University of California, Los Angeles | Law & Government | History & Historiography | Social Sciences
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