Category: English, Culture, Indonesia, New York
Indonesia is a semi-annual journal devoted to the timely study of Indonesia's culture, history, government, economy, and society. It features original scholarly articles, interviews, translations, and book reviews. Published since April 1966, the journal provides area scholars and interested readers with contemporary analyses of Indonesia and an extensive archive of research pertaining to the nation and region. The journal is published by Cornell University's Southeast Asia Program . All articles and reviews published in Indonesia prior to April 2000 are available at no cost. Online access to single issues and individual articles published within the last five years are available for a fee.
Database selection The goal of this project is to catalog and digitize each of the 1,780 slides within the Claire Holt collection. Microsoft Excel was selected as the application most suited to cataloguing requirements. Image browser After researching options available for creating and maintaining a widely-accessible virtual collection, Luna Imagings In sight® browsing software was selected as the most appropriate way to present the Claire Holt images over the Internet.