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Category: Japanese, University of Michigan, Japan

2 results


Center for Japanese Studies: Motion Pictures Reprint Series The University of Michigan has one of the largest faculties for Japanese in the United States. As part of its charter to disseminate advanced research and foster new possibilities for pedagogy, the Publications Program has inaugurated a unique reprint series on Japanese cinema. The site includes monographs, essay collections, journals, billets, and even digitized films. Abé Mark Nornes, Editor

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Center for Japanese Studies Publications The Center for Japanese Studies Publications Program published its first book in 1950. Today, works in print appear in three series (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, Michigan Papers in Japanese Studies, and Michigan Classics in Japanese Studies), and as non-series publications. Center titles are used in teaching and research in a wide variety of universities and colleges and as resources for private industry and government. CJS also offers a wide variety of online materials in searchable, downloadable formats. These offerings include out-of-print books, the peer-reviewed Michigan Classics Online, and the Faculty Series, which contains online books and archival material edited by Center Faculty.

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