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2 results


Fall 2010: Volume 23, Issue 1: The Future of Feminism Michigan Feminist Studies is an interdisciplinary feminist journal published at the University of Michigan . Edited and produced by Michigan graduate students, MFS is committed to providing a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue and critical exchange. The journal began in 1978 under the title Occasional Papers in Women's Studies . In 1989, the journal became the annual publication Michigan Feminist Studies . MFS continues its affiliation with the Program in Women's Studies at the University of Michigan . The journal attracts graduate student and faculty submissions nationally and internationally. In addition to publishing scholarly research, MFS has also featured interviews, poetry and photo essays.

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Abraham Lincoln Association Serials Between 1940 and 1952, the Abraham Lincoln Association published fifty-two issues of The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly , a journal with original articles regarding all facets of Abraham Lincoln's life and the world in which he lived.  According to ALA President G. W.

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