Category: Text, Poetry, University of Michigan
The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Simple Searches : Single word and phrase searches in The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Boolean Searches : Find combinations of two or three words in a single document, page, or paragraph Proximity Searches : Find the co-occurrence of two or three words or phrases Browse : Browse titles Word Index : Browse through lists of all unique words in the text. Last updated on March 28, 2006.
This collection of Middle English texts was assembled from works contributed by University of Michigan faculty and from texts provided by the Oxford Text Archive, as well as works created specifically for the Corpus by the HTI. The HTI is grateful for the permission of all contributors. For more information on the source of individual titles, please consult the bibliography. All texts in the archive are valid SGML documents, tagged in conformance with the TEI Guidelines, and converted to the TEI Lite DTD for wider use.
Humanities Text Initiative American Verse Project The University of Michigan Press is collaborating with HTI in an experimental venture to make these materials available to a wider audience over the Internet. The project has several purposes: first, it allows the Press to explore new ways of providing access to World-Wide Web documents. The HTI provides several levels of access to the American verse texts, and guidelines for use (2) are stated clearly at the beginning of each document. Individuals are allowed to use the texts freely, whether to create new editions, distribute to students, or use as a basis for multimedia products.