Category: Arts & Humanities, Daguerreotype, National Historical Publications and Records Commission, United States, Massachusetts
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Scope Daguerreotypes at Harvard provides access to over 3,500 daguerreotypes in libraries, museums, and archives across the University. The collection continues to grow as images are uncovered and new daguerreotypes are accessioned. The first publicly announced photographic medium, the daguerreotype process produced an image exquisite in its detail and tonal fidelity, and daguerreotypes remained popular throughout the 1840s and 50s. Together, Harvard holdings represent a collection of international significance and illustrate early uses of photography as a tool for artistic expression and scientific research in mid-19th-century America.
Arts & Humanities | Daguerreotype | English | Harvard University | Harvard’s Weissman Preservation Center | Image | Louis Daguerre | Massachusetts | National Historical Publications and Records Commission | Photography | United States | Visual arts | History & Historiography | Photography | Sculpture & Plastic Arts | Social Sciences
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