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: Arts & Humanities » Philosophy

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: E-Journal


: English

Category: Philosophy, E-Journal, English

3 results


Discovery Project Discovery Project Supported from 2006 to 2009 by the eContentplus programme, the European project Discovery has two main components: The Philosource federation contains an extensive, multilingual collection of reliable scholarly editions of philosophical texts, high quality reproductions of primary sources and a rich archive of videos including lectures and interviews featuring leading contemporary philosophers. Each of the web sites of the Philosource federation is dedicated to a particular body of work and all material published in Philosource have stable and persistent web addresses to ensure the reliability of scholarly references.

♥ 0
1,625 read

The Marxists Internet Archive (MIA, http://www.marxists.org/) is an all-volunteer, non-profit public library, started more than 20 years ago in 1990. In 2006, MIA averaged 1.1 million visitors per month, downloading 15.5 million files per month. This represents a 25% increase in visitors since 2005, and a 380% increase in visitors since 2000.

♥ 3
3,225 reads

About the Journal Medieval Philosophy and Theology is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed, online journal devoted to the publication of original articles in all areas of medieval philosophy, including logic and natural science, and in medieval theology, including Christian, Jewish, and Islamic. Coverage extends from the Patristic period through the neoscholasticism of the seventeenth century. Members of the Editorial Board and the panel of Editorial Advisors represent eleven different countries in Europe and North America, as well as a wide range of academic, disciplinary, and scholarly traditions and approaches. Medieval Philosophy and Theology occasionally publishes review articles and article-length critical discussions of important books in the field.

♥ 2
1,750 read