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Category: Lifestyle, Family & Relationships, English, United Kingdom

3 results


Get to know the people behind the names. Here are some details on specific historical records: U.S. Census Records Learn if ancestors owned homes or were born in other countries. You could get details about their ages, places of birth, ethnic backgrounds, marriages, children, occupations — even the value of their personal estates. U.S. Military Records Find your family’s military heroes from the Revolution- ary War through Vietnam. See enlistment dates, learn about famous battles, locate veteran gravesites and discover personal details like a physical description, signature and more. U.S. Immigration Records Discover your ancestral homeland and recreate family journeys across oceans.

♥ 3
1,836 read

A London Provisioner's Chronicle, 1550–1563, by Henry Machyn: Manuscript, Transcription, and Modernization is an electronic scholarly edition created by Richard W. Bailey, Marilyn Miller, and Colette Moore. The Chronicle was one of the treasures of the library of the antiquarian Robert Cotton, and it was stored in the same bookcase with the Beowulf manuscript. Its location was in the book press surmounted by a bust of the Roman emperor Vitellius, and it takes its shelf mark in the British Library from that location: Cotton Vitellius F.v. In the terrible fire that did so much damage to this library in the early eighteenth century, the 162 leaves of the diary were badly damaged and portions of the outside margins and the top of the text were charred or burned away.

♥ 2
1,066 read

The public's fascination with the human drama of the courtroom did not begin with Perry Mason or Court TV. Cases involving the relationships between men and women, within or outside the bonds of marriage, have long engaged the popular imagination. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, published accounts of sensational trials provided the public with both entertainment and cautionary tales. Studies in Scarlet presents the images of over 420 separately published trial narratives from the Harvard Law School Library's extensive trial collections.

♥ 4
1,419 read