Category: Business & Reference, Dataset
Get to know the people behind the names. Here are some details on specific historical records: U.S. Census Records Learn if ancestors owned homes or were born in other countries. You could get details about their ages, places of birth, ethnic backgrounds, marriages, children, occupations — even the value of their personal estates. U.S. Military Records Find your family’s military heroes from the Revolution- ary War through Vietnam. See enlistment dates, learn about famous battles, locate veteran gravesites and discover personal details like a physical description, signature and more. U.S. Immigration Records Discover your ancestral homeland and recreate family journeys across oceans.
Florida Promotional Materials Attracting people to Florida has always been an integral part of the state's developmental goals. The Florida Promotional Materials collection consists of a variety of promotional materials designed to draw tourists and settlers to the state. Included are numerous brochures, maps, and clippings that highlight historical sites such as the Barnacle Museum. Also featured are hotels, important for their historical and practical value, and recreational opportunities.