Category: Directories, Encyclopedias & Almanacs, Coral gables, University of Miami
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Organized in 1925, the Coral Gables Garden Club has promoted gardening and community beautification in Coral Gables for over 80 years. In recent years, the club helped preserve George Merrick's vision for his city, raising funds for new entrances to Coral Gables at Douglas and Red roads and Miracle Mile; commissioning a statue of Merrick recently dedicated in front of Coral Gables city hall; and supporting the preservation of the George Merrick house on Coral Way.
Community beautification | Coral gables | English | Florida | Gardening | Gardening history | Image | Scrapbooks | Text | United States | University of Miami | Botany | Directories, Encyclopedias & Almanacs | Business & Reference | Science & Technology
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