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13 results


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers Search America's historic newspapers pages from 1836-1922 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Learn more Pages Available: 5,206,652 About Chronicling America Chronicling America is a Website providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages, and is produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP).

3,621 reads

About This Project I n 2007, the State Archives of North Carolina began a pilot project, funded by a LSTA grant provided by the State Library of North Carolina, to digitize the earliest known newspapers, The Western Carolinian and the Carolina Watchman.  The goals of the project were to determine the amount of effort it took to digitize early newspapers, establish best practices for outsourcing the digitization of newspapers, and to create 3 lesson plans for K-12 stakeholders.  An advisory board Project Team was appointed in October, 2007 and the process of selecting and analyzing the newspapers began in earnest.  OCLC Preservation Services were selected to do the digitization and their CONTENTdm system was chosen to make the materials available online.&n

2,307 reads

Protesta Humana This collection contains rare examples of anarchist, socialist, and communist newspapers published in Buenos Aires during the late nineteenth century. The UCLA Digital Library Program is working with members of the History Department to provide these newspapers in searchable full-text versions. Esta colección contiene ejemplos raros de los periódicos anarquista, socialista, y comunista publicados en Buenos Aires durante el a fines del siglo diecinueve.

2,284 reads

Helen Muir Papers Helen Muir wrote for the Universal Service Syndicate and reported for newspapers such as the Miami News and the Miami Herald. The Helen Muir Papers consist of Mrs. Muir's personal and professional correspondence, and features correspondence with Robert Frost, his daughter Leslie, and attorney general Janet Reno, among others. The collection also includes drafts of Muir's writing and research files, photographs, and clippings that relate to her career, which began when she moved to South Florida in 1934. Muir's devotion to Miami and its history can be gleaned from the numerous books she authored on the city, including Miami, USA and Biltmore: Beacon for Miami . The collection consists of twenty-nine boxes that span the years 1934 through 1995.

2,382 reads

This digitization project of these two newspapers is the first ever undertaken by the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library.

In April 2004, the National Institute of Korean History (NIKH) approached the Library to propose the digitization of one of the East Asian Library's holdings: Minjoong Shinmoon. This was part of the NIKH's five-year project begun in 2001 to collect historical materials relating to Korean history published overseas. After reviewing our Korean collection, the Library also suggested including The New Korea Times in the same project.

The National Institute of Korean History is a South Korean government organization responsible for investigating, collecting, and compiling historical materials.

2,454 reads

The John Johnson Collection About Introduction The John Johnson Collection is the product of a unique partnership between the Bodleian Library and ProQuest to conserve, catalogue and digitise more than 65,000 items drawn from the Bodleian's John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera. The project, which has been funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) through its Digitisation Programme , broadens access to a wide array of rare or unique archival materials documenting various aspects of everyday life in Britain in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

1,544 read

About While most research on the very early period of the reform era focuses on New England or New York City, Friend of Man illustrates that reform was thriving in Central New York as well. In this periodical, one meets a small, but vocal group of people from both races and all walks of life, intent on changing America. Scholars studying social reform in New York State will be interested in Friend of Man 's revelations about the regional interconnectedness of reform, especially in areas such as Utica, Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, and New York City.

1,735 read

About Introduction The Cornell University Library and the Cornell Daily Sun are collaborating on an ambitious new digitization project to provide online access to the Sun's historical files. All of the original newspapers will be scanned and made available on a web site maintained by the Cornell University Library. For more than 120 years, the Sun has provided news, information, and entertainment to the entire Cornell community. Accounts of campus events and activities, sports reporting, and editorial commentary all contribute to make the Sun one of the most important sources of information on the history of the university.

3,927 reads

About The Oregon Daily Emerald (ODE) Archives is a full text searchable database of past ODE issues. The current collection began with issues in September 2005. At this time, there are no plans to digitize older issues of the Oregon Daily Emerald. An Oregon Daily Emerald Photograph Archives is coming soon. ODE Photographs can be purchased from ODE at http://reprints.dailyemerald.com . All material is copyrighted by Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., Inc. Visit the Oregon Daily Emerald website. Last revision: 10/09/2011 1501 Kincaid Street, Eugene, OR 97403-1299 | T: (541) 346-3053 | F: (541) 346-3485

1,574 read

About Historic Oregon Newspapers Welcome to Historic Oregon Newspapers. On this site you can search and access complete content for historic Oregon newspapers that have been digitized as part of the Oregon Digital Newspaper Program (ODNP) . Soon you will also be able to read historic essays about each of the featured newspapers and view sample lesson plans to help K-12 Educators integrate historic newspapers into their classroom strategies. We hope to keep adding new titles and more pages, so please check back periodically for content updates. The ODNP was also created to help facilitate the digitization of Oregon newspapers by outside organizations/individuals and include in this open state-wide resource for Historic Oregon Newspapers online.

1,829 read

Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965) is best known as a CBS broadcaster and producer during the formative years of U.S. radio and television news programs from the 1930s to the 1950s, when radio still dominated the airwaves although television was beginning to make its indelible mark, particularly in the US. Over the decades, numerous publications have portrayed Murrow as one of the architects of U.S. broadcast news, but in the political climate of recent years, he is increasingly viewed as a defender of rights against McCarthy-type witch hunts. The Life and Work of Edward R. Murrow is an online exhibit featuring Murrow's career from his student days to his work for USIA.

1,454 read

Yul phyogs so soʾi gsar ʾgyur me loṅ The Tibet Mirror (Tib. Yul phyogs so so'i gsar 'gyur me long) was published from 1925 to 1963 in Kalimpong, and chronicles the most dramatic social and political transformation in Tibet during a time when vernacular writing was relatively scarce and a Tibetan media practically non-existent. The paper also relayed information about World War II, the independence of India, and other global news to Tibetan readers in Lhasa, Gyantse, Kham, etc., and to traders and aristocrats who frequently traveled from Lhasa via the Chumbi Valley to Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Calcutta.

1,228 read

In the centuries before there were newspapers and 24-hour news channels, the general public had to rely on street literature to find out what was going on. The most popular form of this for nearly 300 years was 'broadsides' - the tabloids of their day. Sometimes pinned up on walls in houses and ale-houses, these single sheets carried public notices, news, speeches and songs that could be read (or sung) aloud.

The National Library of Scotland's online collection of nearly 1,800 broadsides lets you see for yourself what 'the word on the street' was in Scotland between 1650 and 1910. Crime, politics, romance, emigration, humour, tragedy, royalty and superstitions - all these and more are here.

1,401 read