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Category: Science & Technology, Journals

3 results


Volume 49, Issue 3 The Michigan Botanist is the peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of The Michigan Botanical Club established in 1962. The publication is hosted online through the University of Michigan MPublishing services at this site. Membership in the Michigan Botanical Club is open to anyone interested in its aims: Authors receive a page-charge discount for submission of final copy on disk, and members receive an allotment of free pages each year. Individuals wishing to subscribe to the print edition should go to the Membership Page . Institutions should go to the Subscription Page .

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Contemporary Aesthetics (CA) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer- and blind-reviewed online journal of contemporary theory, research, and application in aesthetics. This open-access journal is published on a rolling basis, and new content is freely available on the web at http://www.contempaesthetics.org . The publication is annually archived by the University of Michigan Library at this site. This archive consists of the whole CA backfile--from the first to the most recently completed volume --and is fully searchable and can be browsed by title, author, and volume. According to the editors of CA , in recent years aesthetics has grown into a rich and varied discipline.

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Philosophy of the Journal In a climate of high subscription charges often levied by commercial publishers and learned societies alike, ARKIVOC was launched in 2000 as a journal with a very different philosophy: it was designed for universal on-demand distribution at no cost to authors (no page charges or other fees), or readers (no access or downloading charges). Many of the standard publishing procedures are used in ARKIVOC, but a major difference is that the "Control Board" which runs the journal is unpaid. ARKIVOC also has a very large Editorial Board of Referees, currently with close to 1,000 members. ARKIVOC is unique from most such boards in that about half our members come from outside Western Europe, North America and Japan.

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