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: Social Sciences » Political Science & Politics

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: Audio

Category: Political Science & Politics, Audio

3 results


The African Activist Archive is preserving and making available online the records of activism in the United States to support the struggles of African peoples against colonialism, apartheid, and social injustice from the 1950s through the 1990s. The website includes:
growing online archive of historical materials - pamphlets, newsletters, leaflets, buttons, posters, T-shirts, photographs, and audio and video recordings
personal remembrances and interviews with activists
an international directory of collections deposited in libraries and archives

4,047 reads

The Ted Stevens Papers Collection documents the career of Theodore Fulton (Ted) Stevens (1923-2010), Senator from the State of Alaska from 1968-2009, the longest-serving Republican member of the United States Congress. Stevens was a leading force in the creation of legislation concerning Alaska???s economic, social and cultural development. The collection, measuring nearly 5000 cubic feet in its entirety, contains the history of Stevens??? long senatorial career, and chronicles Alaska???s transition from a newly-minted state to a significant player in US history. Documents within the collection relate to the administrative, legislative and political functions of Stevens??? office.

2,051 reads

DIGITAL COLLECTIONS About the Collection The Romano L. Mazzoli Oral History Collection documents the life and political career of Congressman Romano (Ron) Mazzoli, an Italian-American native of Louisville, Kentucky who represented Kentucky's Third Congressional District for 24 years (1971-1995). The 66 hours of interviews complement and move beyond the congressman's papers (also housed at the University of Louisville Archives and Records Center), including documentation of the workings of his local and Washington offices, interactions with constituents and colleagues, and his role on the national stage, as well as reminiscences by family, friends, and Mazzoli himself.

1,895 read