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Category: Sociology & Demography, Image, Students

6 results


About - University of Oregon. Office of the Dean of Personnel Administration. National Japanese American Student Relocation Council Records 1942-1946 The National Japanese American Student Relocation Council was created by university administrators as a means of relocating Japanese American college students to other universities and colleges away from the West coast during World War II, and to prevent these students from being interned in government-run internment camps. At the University of Oregon, Karl Onthank, Dean of Personnel Administration, represented the University in relocating UO Japanese American students. The collection includes correspondence, newsletters, speeches, minutes of meetings, and ephemera.

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  This web exhibit is an electronic version of an exhibit mounted in the Tisch Library located on Tufts University's Medford Campus. The exhibit will run from October, 2000 through March, 2001. Funding for the exhibits is provided by Tufts alumni who were part of the United States Navy Officer Training Programs on the Medford Campus from 1941-1972. The exhibit was designed and mounted by Patricia Hughes, G2000. Material used in this exhibit is now housed in the Digital Collections and Archives.      

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Tufts College: Graduates in Wartime Welcome to Tufts College: Graduates in Wartime , the third exhibit in a series created by the Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives. This exhibit explores the transition many Tufts College students made from student to Naval Officer during the fighting of World War II. This online exhibit was created in conjunction with an exhibit on display in the Tisch Library from January until September 2002. The physical exhibit was designed and mounted by Tatiana Sizonenko, and the web exhibit was created by Patricia Hughes G2000. The entire series of exhibits has been funded by a committee of alumni and veterans of the U.S.

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Tufts College: A Wartime Campus, 1943-1946 Welcome to Tufts College: A Wartime Campus , the second exhibit in a series created by the Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives. This exhibit explores the experience of students attending Tufts College during World War II. Raising of Colors This online exhibit was created in conjunction with an exhibit on display in the Tisch Library from April until September 2001. Both exhibits were designed by Amanda Yost, G2001. The entire series of exhibits has been funded by a committee of alumni and veterans of the U.S. Navy programs that were on Tufts' campus from 1941-1972.

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This online publication reproduces in digital form the text and images from the four University of Chicago Centennial Exhibition Catalogues. These publications were issued in conjunction with a series of exhibitions organized by the Department of Special Collections, now the Special Collections Research Center, to celebrate the 1991-1992 Centennial of the University of Chicago.

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T he Archival Photographic Files document the history of the University of Chicago and the development of its campus, academic programs, and community life. Individuals & Groups Images not yet available online. Images of U of C faculty, students, staff, alumni, admini­strators, donors, visitors as well as academic and admini­strative groups, classes, and depart­ments. Buildings & Grounds Images of U of C buildings, campus plans, and sur­rounding neighbor­hoods including Hyde Park, Kenwood, and Woodlawn. Events Images of U of C academic, public, and historical events, ceremonies, inaugu­rations, reunions, and visits of notable individuals.

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