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Old China Hands Archive Who is an "Old China Hand" and what is the "Old China Hand Experience?" According to A Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, edited by Paul Beale, (Macmillan, 1989), this term has been in use since approximately 1910 and is applied to "One who has spent many years in China in the commercial or civil service, or as a missionary." The dictionary's definition leaves out some important categories of people, particulary the waves of refugees from the conflicts of Europe and elsewhere who found temporary shelter in China, as well as people who served in the military of many nations. It must also be expanded to point out that implicit in the term is the notion of contact between Chinese and non-Chinese cultures.

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Experience the First World War through the eyes of three very different people who took part in it. Click on the character whose story you want to follow. Click 'For Schools' for educational material designed for use in Scottish schools.

General Douglas Haig (later Field Marshal Earl Haig) was British Commander in Chief for the greater part of the First World War. Follow his war through his diaries, letters, and photos by clicking on his photograph.

Nurse Mairi Chisholm knew more about the war and its horrors than most women. You can follow her wartime experiences by clicking on the photograph.

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Polar Bear Expedition Digital Materials Because many of the American troops involved in the intervention were from Michigan, the Bentley Historical Library Michigan Historical Collections has long been interested in documenting this episode. This collection contains digitized versions manuscripts and photographs as well as maps and primary printed source materials relating to the Polar Bear Expedition. The primary guide to the Polar Bear Expedition collections held by the Bentley Historical Library can be found here: Polar Bear Expedition Digital Collections .

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A project of the Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection Box A, Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 Tel.: (401) 863-2414 Fax: (401) 863-2093 ASKB@Brown.edu Developed & hosted by Center for Digital Initiatives Box A, Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 cdi@brown.edu About the Anne S. K. Brown Collection This ambitious multi-year endeavor will digitize the 15,000 individual prints, drawings, and watercolors from The Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection. The artwork vividly documents all aspects of military and naval history, with emphasis on the history and illustration of world military and naval uniforms from the 17th century to the present.

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  This web exhibit is an electronic version of an exhibit mounted in the Tisch Library located on Tufts University's Medford Campus. The exhibit will run from October, 2000 through March, 2001. Funding for the exhibits is provided by Tufts alumni who were part of the United States Navy Officer Training Programs on the Medford Campus from 1941-1972. The exhibit was designed and mounted by Patricia Hughes, G2000. Material used in this exhibit is now housed in the Digital Collections and Archives.      

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Guns, tanks, and bombs were the principal weapons of World War II, but there were other, more subtle forms of warfare as well. Words, posters, and films waged a constant battle for the hearts and minds of the American citizenry just as surely as military weapons engaged the enemy. Persuading the American public became a wartime industry, almost as important as the manufacturing of bullets and planes. The Government launched an aggressive propaganda campaign with clearly articulated goals and strategies to galvanize public support, and it recruited some of the nation's foremost intellectuals, artists, and filmmakers to wage the war on that front.

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