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Category: Historical photography, Oregon

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The University Archives Photograph Collection contains modern and vintage photographic prints related to the University of Oregon. The photographs depict a variety of buildings, historic scenes, events, students, faculty and staff, and scenes of campus life.

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About - Historical Photographs Working in concert with Metadata Services and Digital Projects , staff in Special Collections & University Archives selected several representative photographic collections for digitization and online display. Selection criteria were based on several factors, including the historic content of the photographs, the pure visual appeal of individual images, and finally, research requests from the past. The larger goal of the University of Oregon Photograph Collection is to make the public aware of the quality and depth of the photograph collections owned by Special Collections & University Archives and to encourage further research on the original photographic materials.

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About - Doris Ulmann Photographs About the Doris Ulmann Collection Doris Ulmann (1882-1934) was born and educated in New York City. A graduate of the school of the Ethical Culture Society, a socially liberal organization that championed individual worth regardless of ethnic background or economic condition. Ulmann continued her education at the Columbia University Teacher's College, where she met and studied with photographer Clarence H. White. White was a founding member of Alfred Stieglitz's Photo-Secession and a leader in the Pictorialist movement. When her teacher founded the Clarence H.

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