Category: Correspondence, New York
1 result
The Gerrit Smith Broadside and Pamplet Collection Using the Collection The collection of broadsides and pamphlets can be accessed via the Library's CONTENTdm server and can be browsed as well as being fully searchable by keyword, title, series title, and author. Collection Searches About the Collection Included among the publications authored by Gerrit Smith are various circulars, speeches, sermons, and tracts which deal with such topics as abolition, suffrage, temperance, transportation, and the postal system. With this project, we can now provide full text access to 214 of these important publications.
Abolition | Arts & Humanities | Broadside | Correspondence | English | Gerrit Smith | New York | Pamphlets | Sermons | Speeches | Suffrage | Syracuse University | Temperance | Text | United States | Advertising, Marketing & PR | Literature & Poetry | Business & Reference
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