Category: Image, Alan Crockwell, Miami, Florida
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Alan Crockwell Collection Alan Crockwell, a science teacher at The Carrolton School of the Sacred Heart in Coconut Grove, moved from Buffalo to Miami in 1977. Crockwell co-founded the Miami Memorabilia Collectors Club in 1991. He has published numerous articles on Miami history and its collectibles. The Alan Crockwell Collection contains a variety of materials from different sources that document the history of Miami, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, and greater Miami-Dade County. Much of the content is related to Ralph Middleton Munroe and his family.
Alan Crockwell | Art history | Articles | Collectibles | English | Florida | Image | Miami | Miami history | Photographs | Text | United States | University of Miami | History & Historiography | Social Sciences
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