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Category: Social Sciences, Text, English, Parliament, United Kingdom

2 results


Benjamin Disraeli Earl of Beaconsfield Contents Some key milestones in Disraeli's life Introduction This digital version of the Bodleian exhibition (held 4 November 2003-1 May 2004) marks the culmination of a project which began in the late 1990s with the decision taken by the National Trust, the owners of Disraeli's private papers, and the Bodleian Library, the custodians, to commemorate the bicentenary of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-81). The book Benjamin Disraeli, Scenes from an Extraordinary Life (Bodleian Library, 2003), edited by Helen Langley which accompanied the exhibition included essays written by the Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clark, QC, MP, Dr Angus Hawkins, Annabel Jones, Dr Timothy Mowl, Dr Roland Quinault and Jane Ridley.

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The inital project will see the digitisation of all 36 volumes of Cobbett's Parlimentary History, (a major source for eighteenth century historians), providing online access to it initially as a stand alone database. A further development would see it also forming one element within a group of related databases offering access to a range of parliamentary source materials sharing a common interface.

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