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: Social Sciences » Area Studies

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: African culture


: Michigan State University


: United States

Category: Area Studies, African culture, Michigan State University, United States

2 results


In 2002 the African Media Program offers an on-line comprehensive reference guide to approximately 10,000 films, videos, and other audiovisual materials concerning Africa (both Sub-Saharan and North Africa). It includes film and video productions made in Africa and around the world. This new database incorporates and updates material contained in the 1982 print compendium, adds many new reviews, and provides as complete a citation as possible from a wide variety of sources.

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Africa Past and Present is a podcast about history, culture, and politics in Africa and the diaspora. The show highlights interesting and significant people, ideas, and discussions in African Studies from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. Our mission is to broaden the availability and accessibility of cutting-edge knowledge relating to African experiences and to do so in a down-to-earth and informed manner. Shows feature interviews with eminent scholars and persons, commentary on current events, and issues and debates of relevance to Africans at home and abroad.

♥ 7
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