Category: History & Historiography, Map, United States, Connecticut
Connecticut State Library Digital Collections All Collections In 1934 Connecticut became the first state to complete a statewide aerial survey. The State Library has several aerial surveys of the entire state , along with some partial surveys, and has put the 1934, 1938 (partial survey), and 1965 surveys online. Hartford street scenes just after the great snow storm of March 12 th and 13 th , 1888. Views of military life and training at the air base, the Sixth War Loan drive, redeployment, officers and medal presentations to families of servicemen.
Search through one hundred maps, drawn from the Beinecke's vast collection of American and European cartography, depicting early representations of New England and North America. The Collection 100 maps, primarily woodcuts and printed engravings, from the Beinecke Library's Western Americana and General collections. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University