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: Social Sciences » History & Historiography

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: Texas

Category: History & Historiography, Texas

2 results


Primeros Libros Project Agreement The Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI project will build a digital collection of the first books printed in Mexico before 1601. These monographs are very important because they represent the first printing in the New World and provide primary sources for scholarly studies focused on a variety of academic fields. Approximately 220 unique titles are held in institutions around the world with most held in Mexico and the United States.

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History In 2002, the UNT Libraries began planning The Portal to Texas History, a digital gateway to historical materials from private collectors and collaborative partners, including libraries, museums, archives, and other historical groups. Our goal was to structure the Portal in a way that would ensure long-term sustainability. With a ground-swell of support from interested parties, we received a Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund grant from the State of Texas to begin the project. By the end of 2004, the Portal was online with five collaborative partners and over 6500 digital images. About 1,000 visitors a month were using the online collections.

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