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: Social Sciences » Political Science & Politics

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: E-Journal

Category: Political Science & Politics, E-Journal

5 results


Soviet Samizdat Periodicals is a database of information about editions of classic Soviet samizdat, 1956-1986. The Database includes approximately 300 titles, representing all known types of samizdat periodical editions from this late Soviet era, including human rights bulletins, poetry anthologies, rock zines, religious and national editions. The Database is fully searchable. Researchers will find detailed bibliographic and archival information. The site also includes information about samizdat and dissidence for the general public. The website is intended to provide a forum for continuing discussion about this outstanding phenomenon of recent history… more

2,428 reads

About the Project A first segment of this proposed collection includes documents that pertain to the legacy of Marx and Freud (but also Lenin and Lacan) in Latin America. In particular, the complete collection of the journal Los Libros in Argentina, which played a key role in intellectual life, and still continues to do so today, even though very few people in the world have access to it now. This journal, which was closed by the military Junta in 1976, combined literary and cultural analysis with an increasingly political interrogation of events both in Argentina and abroad.

1,921 read

About the Collection The Middle East Water Collection provides access to roughly 9000 items on political, socio-economic, demographic, and legal issues of water in the Middle East. Materials include data, books, journal and newspaper articles, and documents published in the Middle East, Europe, and North America originating from a variety of publishers and national and multinational agencies and organizations. Materials in the public domain are available in full text from this website. More materials from the original collection will be added online as copyright permissions are granted. This website may be used as a search interface for the complete collection of M|E Water materials housed on the 3rd floor of the OSU Valley Library.

1,668 read

Fall 2010: Volume 23, Issue 1: The Future of Feminism Michigan Feminist Studies is an interdisciplinary feminist journal published at the University of Michigan . Edited and produced by Michigan graduate students, MFS is committed to providing a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue and critical exchange. The journal began in 1978 under the title Occasional Papers in Women's Studies . In 1989, the journal became the annual publication Michigan Feminist Studies . MFS continues its affiliation with the Program in Women's Studies at the University of Michigan . The journal attracts graduate student and faculty submissions nationally and internationally. In addition to publishing scholarly research, MFS has also featured interviews, poetry and photo essays.

1,228 read

Abraham Lincoln Association Serials Between 1940 and 1952, the Abraham Lincoln Association published fifty-two issues of The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly , a journal with original articles regarding all facets of Abraham Lincoln's life and the world in which he lived.  According to ALA President G. W.

1,541 read