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Portraits in Oxford

Portraits in Oxford * An integrated digital catalogue of portraits in the University of Oxford and its constitutent colleges. Portrait collections include: The collections: Welcome to Portraits in Oxford The Portraits in Oxford project aims to publish an integrated digital catalogue of portraits in the University of Oxford and its constituent Colleges. The pilot study, (June 2005-May 2006), catalogued portraits in the Examination Schools of the University, and at Pembroke College. The catalogue of the University portrait collection is on Open Access and can be searched using the search facilities at the top of this page. The integrated catalogue of University and College portraits is available to registered users. If you have already registered then login here , otherwise please register here to search the integrated catalogue. Please note that higher education users registering from an email address in the ac.uk domain will automatically receive a password via email at the time of registration. You can search the collections for: For other ways to search the collections see Advanced Search If you want to buy prints or licence images, or have other enquiries concerning portraits, please contact Portraits in Oxford


Portraits in Oxford