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Category: Image, English, Sculpture, United States

6 results


This web site features approximately 320 digitally rendered images from a collection of over 15,000 photographic prints held by the University Archives of Washington University in St. Louis. This web site consists of five sections, namely: that will be on exhibit in the Department of Special Collections in Olin Library at Washington University in St. Louis from 25 May to 31 July 2001. Last modified: August 3, 2001

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The Johnson Museum has one of the finest collections of art in New York State and is recognized as one of the most important university museums in the country. Spanning the history of art, the Museum's collections are especially strong in Asian art, nineteenth- and twentieth-century American art, and the graphic arts.

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The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections , Cornell University Library , is home to the Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs Collection of approximately 13,000 nineteenth- and early twentieth-century photographs of architecture, decorative arts and sculpture. White (1832-1918), the first president of Cornell University, established the collection by donating several thousand images from his personal architectural library.

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About - Oregon Percent for Art Background When an artist applies for a Percent for Art award, the Oregon Arts Commission (OAC) requires that (s)he submit slides, 8 x 10 black and white prints or 35mm negatives of their artwork, along with textual documentation describing the materials used in creating the work. In addition, some artists choose to submit illustrative proposals or project mockups. Many applicants also provide an artist statement as well as an exhibition list or resume. These materials are then reviewed for artist merit and suitability to the facility.

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& Welcome to the Fine Arts Print Collection website, a collaborative venture of the , and the . The Print Collection is part of the Fine Art Collection, owned by the Department of Art and managed by the Fairbanks Gallery at Oregon State University. Web and software support has been provided by the staff of the Valley Library. Use the Search or Browse features to view items in the collection. Throughout your search, you can get help with search functions by clicking the help link in the top navigation bar. Customize options for search results, My Favorites, Compare and Slideshow views. View, compare, delete and move collection items you have saved to My Favorites within CONTENTdm.

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The Theater that was Rome About From the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries, when the books, maps and single sheet prints that appear on this web site were made, Rome presented itself as a theater of the most advanced engineering feats of the period, as well as of the technological skills to execute and record the decorative programs that went with them. Maps of the city in its new guise as the powerful center of Christendom also documented the growth of curiosity about its antique history and pagan past, displaying all the forms of cartographic knowledge available throughout the period.

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