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Category: Image, Modernism, Yale University, Connecticut

5 results


[Autographed letter signed] 1905 July 12, Wyncote, Pennsylvania [from] Ezra Pound These materials may be under copyright. To learn more, contact the Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature. Call Number: YCAL MSS 175 Related Collections Ezra Pound Papers, YCAL MSS 43 William Carlos Williams papers, YCAL MSS 116 H. D. Papers, YCAL MSS 24 Bryher papers, GEN MSS 97

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The H.D. Papers are the bequest of Norman Holmes Pearson, H.D.'s literary executor. Most of the material in the H. D. Papers came to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library after Professor Pearson's death in 1973. Prior to this time, selected groups of materials were given to the library by Professor Pearson and were placed with related documents in other collections; these materials have been retrieved and placed in the H.D. Papers. Materials from other sources are also found in the papers, with specific provenance information on the appropriate folders. Permission from the H.D. Estate is required to publish H.D. materials in any format. To learn more, contact the Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature. Call Number: YCAL MSS 24

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244 posters and ephemera in both b&w and color Cite as: Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University The Postwar Avant-Garde and the Culture of Protest, 1945 to 1968 and Beyond Thursday, October 1, 2009 - Saturday, December 19, 2009 Share |

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Katherine S. Dreier Papers / Société Anonyme Archive Artist and collector Katherine Dreier joined Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray to found the Société Anonyme, an organization designed to support and generate awareness of modernist art; the group’s name, a French phrase meaning “incorporated,” highlighted the fact that the organization was not allied with any particular artistic school. The Société Anonyme promoted new artists by arranging exhibitions to introduce audiences to their work and develop their reputations among galleries and collectors. Critics praised the Société Anonyme for its commitment to new artists and its inclusion of their work in exhibits and catalogs. Dreier played an essential role in generating American interest in and acceptance of modern art.

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The Elizabeth Jenks Clark Collection of Margaret Anderson contains correspondence, writings, photographs, sound recordings, and other papers of writer and editor Margaret Anderson. The material documents Anderson's life, work, and personal relationships with many noted writers, poets, artists, photographers and performers of the twentieth century, in particular her romantic relationships with co-editor and writer Jane Heap, writer Solita Solano and close friendship with sculptor Elizabeth Jenks Clark. The papers span the entirety of Anderson's life, though the bulk of them document her personal and professional life after the Little Review .

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