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About The Project The March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project supports understanding of the struggle for racial equality by helping users discover primary sources and other educational materials from the collections of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society. The digital collection includes the selected papers of individuals representing a variety of positions on the civil rights issue, photographs, unedited footage from the WTMJ-TV news film archives, and oral history interviews capturing the recollections and perspectives of individuals who participated in the movement.

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244 posters and ephemera in both b&w and color Cite as: Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University The Postwar Avant-Garde and the Culture of Protest, 1945 to 1968 and Beyond Thursday, October 1, 2009 - Saturday, December 19, 2009 Share |

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Feature Video The CVET archive is a unique, publicly accessible video record of the peak of popular resistance against apartheid. Browse Genres February 13, 1990 This project is supported by the South African Film and Video Project .

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