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Category: Text, English, Biology, Oregon State University, United States, Oregon

2 results


The specimens are classified according to biological nomenclature. Thus each unique name traces to an original description, published over the past 250 years. The earliest valid names trace to the seminal works of Linnaeus. The vast majority of names originated with the 19th century exploration of the American West. However, new species continue to be discovered and described today. Any research into the application of biological nomenclature requires an evaluation of the original description. Our ultimate goal is to make available digitized original descriptions of all 4500 plant taxa (species, subspecies and varieties) in the Oregon flora.

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1,570 read

Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA: A Documentary History is comprised of three large sub-sections, each of which tells the story of the discovery of the double helix in a different way. Navigation between sub-sections may be achieved either through use of the links provided on the site homepage or through use of the links located in the header of each page within the site. Narrative - The first section - a thirty-four "chapter" Narrative - recounts the saga of the discovery from the largely unknown viewpoint of the major "loser" in the race: the phenomenal American chemist Linus Pauling (1901-1994). There are three components to each page of the Narrative.

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