Category: Arts & Humanities, English, Journal, University of Michigan, Michigan
About Over the past decade, cross-disciplinary interest in plagiarism and other forms of fraud as a focus of study has resulted from various discourse communities having to deal with serious violations of scholarship norms. Plagiarism, falsification of data, and fabrications have tainted the reputations of individuals, institutions, and professions as a whole. To bring together the various strands of scholarship which already exist on the subject, and to create a forum for discussion across disciplinary boundaries, the new scholarly journal Plagiary exists.
Editors Stephen Darwall J. David Velleman Editorial Board K. Anthony Appiah | Richard Arneson | Paul Boghossian | Robert Brandom | Michael Bratman | John Broome | Victor Caston | John Cooper | Mark Crimmins | Kit Fine | Daniel Garber | Richard Heck | David Hills | Louis Loeb | Penelope Maddy | Tim Maudlin | Peter Railton | Gideon Rosen | Nancy Sherman | Michael Smith | Robert Stalnaker | Jason Stanley | Jamie Tappenden | Kendall Walton | Stephen Yablo Production and Publication Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library Director: Maria Bonn OCLC: 45826937 ISSN: 1533-628X LCCN: 2001-212257 Description Philosophers' Imprint is a refereed series of original papers in philosophy, edited by Stephen Darwall and J.
Passages: A Chronicle of the African Humanities (ISSN 1056-6783, first published under ISSN 1053-1319 as a successor to PAS News and Events ) was founded in 1991 at Northwestern University's Program of African Studies as a print serial. Now, with the generous permission of Northwestern University, Passages has been digitized and published online, along with two issues of a new web-based serial called passages (ISSN 1933-5148), in conjunction with the web-based journal GEFAME . passages is no longer actively publishing, but the archive of back issues of Passages and passages (the new series) will be permanently available. Current issue: Past issues Search passages
Winter, 2007 Welcome to Post Identity 's searchable article database. Post Identity is an international, fully-refereed journal of the humanities. It features text-based and multi-media scholarship that problematizes the narratives underlying individual, social, and cultural identity formations; that investigates the relationship between identity formations and texts; and that argues how such formations can be challenged. If this is the first time you have explored Post Identity , we invite you to visit the journal's home page at Post Identity produced nine issues between 1997 and 2007.
Spring 2009: Volume 16, issue 2 Welcome to The Journal of the International Institute online. This site features full-text articles from 1994-present. Founded in 1994, The Journal of the International Institute is published twice a year by the University of Michigan International Institute. The Journal provides a forum for international area studies specialists who seek to present their ideas to a diverse, non-specialist readership. Contributors are typically affiliated with the University of Michigan as faculty, students, alumni or visitors. Past contributors have included scholars from the social sciences and humanities, as well as professionals and activists with experience and knowledge about global processes, or specific areas of the world.