Category: Arts & Humanities, English, Mezzotints, Brown University
1 result
Center for Digital Scholarship Box A Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 About This Collection Researchers may note some overlap between Lincoln Graphics and Lincoln Broadsides. Indeed, the line between a broadside and a graphic representation can be hard to define. In general, however, graphics will contain more image than text, while for broadsides that relationship is reversed. Brown’s Lincoln Graphics collection is immense, and researchers are cautioned that this digital collection presents only a portion of it. We hope to digitize more of the collection in due course, but this will take time.
Abraham Lincoln | Arts & Humanities | Brown University | Cartoons | Drawings | English | Image | Lithographs | Mezzotints | Oil paintings | Photographs | Posters | Rhode Island | United States | Graphic Arts | Political Science & Politics | Social Sciences
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