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Lincoln Graphics

Center for Digital Scholarship Box A Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 cds_info@brown.edu About This Collection Researchers may note some overlap between Lincoln Graphics and Lincoln Broadsides. Indeed, the line between a broadside and a graphic representation can be hard to define. In general, however, graphics will contain more image than text, while for broadsides that relationship is reversed. Brown’s Lincoln Graphics collection is immense, and researchers are cautioned that this digital collection presents only a portion of it. We hope to digitize more of the collection in due course, but this will take time. Prints in the Lincoln collection are arranged according to Meserve numbers, and include most of the known photographic images of Lincoln, along with engravings and popular prints by, among other firms, Currier & Ives and Kurz & Allen. There are also original oil portraits by artists of Lincoln's day, most notably the portraits by Peter Baumgras (1827-1903) and William Cogswell, and original drawings by a variety of artists, including a scrapbook of belonging to Thomas Nast that contains many of his original sketches of Civil War scenes later published in Harper’s. Types of documents included in the Lincoln Graphics collection include (but are not limited to): Cabinet photographs Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) Cartoons Drawings Intaglio prints Lithographs Mezzotints Oil paintings Posters Photographs Stereoscopic photographs  
