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Results 85 - 105 of 121


Tufts College: Graduates in Wartime Welcome to Tufts College: Graduates in Wartime , the third exhibit in a series created by the Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives. This exhibit explores the transition many Tufts College students made from student to Naval Officer during the fighting of World War II. This online exhibit was created in conjunction with an exhibit on display in the Tisch Library from January until September 2002. The physical exhibit was designed and mounted by Tatiana Sizonenko, and the web exhibit was created by Patricia Hughes G2000. The entire series of exhibits has been funded by a committee of alumni and veterans of the U.S.

1,499 read

Tufts College: A Wartime Campus, 1943-1946 Welcome to Tufts College: A Wartime Campus , the second exhibit in a series created by the Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives. This exhibit explores the experience of students attending Tufts College during World War II. Raising of Colors This online exhibit was created in conjunction with an exhibit on display in the Tisch Library from April until September 2001. Both exhibits were designed by Amanda Yost, G2001. The entire series of exhibits has been funded by a committee of alumni and veterans of the U.S. Navy programs that were on Tufts' campus from 1941-1972.

2,108 reads

Sheet Music Collection John Hay Library Box A Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Rosemary Cullen Developed & hosted by Center for Digital Initiatives Box A Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 cdi@brown.edu About This Collection The World War I digital sheet music collection is drawn from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library. It is composed of over 1,800 titles that relate in some way to the events of World War I, and the impact of that war on American society. There are patriotic songs, songs relating to specific military units, romantic songs of love and loss, comic songs, and songs that look to the war’s end. Cover art on the songs is particularly striking.

2,115 reads

A project of the Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection Box A, Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 Tel.: (401) 863-2414 Fax: (401) 863-2093 ASKB@Brown.edu Developed & hosted by Center for Digital Initiatives Box A, Brown University Library Providence, RI 02912 cdi@brown.edu About the Anne S. K. Brown Collection This ambitious multi-year endeavor will digitize the 15,000 individual prints, drawings, and watercolors from The Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection. The artwork vividly documents all aspects of military and naval history, with emphasis on the history and illustration of world military and naval uniforms from the 17th century to the present.

3,732 reads

The items in this digital collection were selected from The George Hardie Aviation and Aerospace History Collection held in UWM Libraries' Special Collections. This digital collection consists of ten items, including selected pages from early aviation books, manuals, and catalogs, as well as a number of complete monographs. The items selected for digitization were chosen for their uniqueness and potential usefulness to aviation history researchers. We hope that casual browsers will also enjoy the materials found here. The George Hardie Aviation and Aerospace History Collection in Special Collections at UWM's Golda Meir Library documents the development of modern aviation and aircraft through primary printed sources published from the 1890s to the mid-1960s.

1,650 read

About the Collection Content and Scope Whether it's by bullet train in Tokyo or dogsled in arctic Canada, people of the world have always had a need to get from "point A" to "point B". The photographs in Transportation Around the World : 1911-1993 present a wide variety of transportation methods used in 79 countries across the globe. The 650 images contained in this digital collection were selected from three separate photographic collections: the Harrison Forman Collection , Harold Mayer Collection , and American Geographical Society Library Print Collection .

1,318 read

About the Collection This digital collection presents over 90 photographs taken by Harrison Forman at the outbreak of World War II in Poland. The photographic collection is supplemented by a selection of newspaper clippings and an article "Filming the Blitzkrieg," published by Forman in Travel magazine in December 1939. The photographs, documenting the Nazi invasion of Poland in September of 1939, were recently discovered in the American Geographical Society Library at the UWM Libraries. The images are part of the extensive Harrison Forman Collection that was donated to the American Geographical Society Library in 1987. Harrison Forman (1904-1978), a Wisconsin native, was an adventurous journalist, photographer, and explorer.

3,521 reads

The Transportation History Collection in the Special Collections Library of the University of Michigan contains a unique body of printed and visual materials on transportation technology and travel. Although there are printed items from as early as 1588, the majority of the material is from the 19th and early 20th centuries. International in scope, subjects in the collection include ballooning and dirigibles, early roads, automobiles, canals, bridges, carriages and coaches, and, most notably, railroads. The collection of railroad material consists of over 14,000 items relating to American, Canadian, Mexican, British, French, German, and Russian railroad companies and their rolling stock.

1,451 read

This study concerns the controversial case of Alger Hiss, who was suspected of spying for Soviet Military Intelligence. It does not concern his guilt or innocence but whether the U.S. Army Military Intelligence used an undercover spy-catcher to penetrate Hiss’s defense and to plant evidence forged to secure his perjury conviction. If so, Hiss’s conviction—which ushered in the McCarthy era and thrust Richard Nixon to national prominence—represents an alarming intrusion of our military into civil affairs.

1,654 read

The United States and its Territories, drawn from the University of Michigan Library's Southeast Asia collection, comprises the full text of monographs and government documents published in the United States, Spain, and the Philippines between 1870 and 1925. The primary focus of the material is the Spanish-American war and subsequent American governance (approximately 1898-1910). The text collection is complemented by digitized images from key photograph collections drawn from the Special Collections Library.

2,907 reads

The Organic Agriculture Information Access is an electronic collection of historic United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publications related to organic agriculture. In this collection, there are almost 200 documents published before 1942 (before synthetic chemicals became widely used) that contain state-of-the-art information and data that is still very pertinent for today's agriculture. Access to this data is intended to provide growers with new ideas on crop production without chemicals, as well as help researchers conserve scarce resources by avoiding unintended duplication.

1,376 read

Polar Bear Expedition Digital Materials Because many of the American troops involved in the intervention were from Michigan, the Bentley Historical Library Michigan Historical Collections has long been interested in documenting this episode. This collection contains digitized versions manuscripts and photographs as well as maps and primary printed source materials relating to the Polar Bear Expedition. The primary guide to the Polar Bear Expedition collections held by the Bentley Historical Library can be found here: Polar Bear Expedition Digital Collections .

1,757 read

Overview While theoretical biology is often understood to be primarily mathematical in nature, biology is an inherently historical science with a long tradition of conceptual theorizing, from Charles Darwin to the architects of the Modern Synthesis, and continuing through to today. Biological disciplines ranging from evolutionary biology to ecology, from cell to developmental biology, and from morphology to paleobiology are characterized by a lively interplay among empirical data, mathematical treatments, and conceptual discussions. Like theoretical biology, philosophy of biology is characterized by its attention to conceptual issues.

1,650 read

Volume 49, Issue 3 The Michigan Botanist is the peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of The Michigan Botanical Club established in 1962. The publication is hosted online through the University of Michigan MPublishing services at this site. Membership in the Michigan Botanical Club is open to anyone interested in its aims: Authors receive a page-charge discount for submission of final copy on disk, and members receive an allotment of free pages each year. Individuals wishing to subscribe to the print edition should go to the Membership Page . Institutions should go to the Subscription Page .

1,390 read

Garden and Forest is the first project of the Preservation Digital Reformatting Program in the Library of Congress's Preservation Reformatting Division. It is the first Library of Congress digitizing project to employ Making of America models. Making of America Making of America (MOA) is a digital library comprising reproductions of primary source materials in American social history published in the late-nineteenth century. The original collaborative effort between the University of Michigan and Cornell University to create MOA was funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

1,438 read

The Great Lakes and their connecting channels from the largest aggregation of freshwater on the planet (excluding the polar ice caps). The watershed includes parts or all of eight U.S. states and the Canadian province of Ontario. The Lakes are the dominant and defining geological characteristic of the upper Midwest, affecting the social, economic, recreational and ecological life of the region. Bordering as it does on four of the five Great Lakes, the State of Michigan and its universities understand the importance of the Lakes for the future vitality of our state. Accordingly the University of Michigan has pursued an active research program in this area, and seeks to share some of its findings through this site.

1,721 read

Introduction The International Computer Music Association is an international affiliation of individuals and institutions involved in the technical, creative, and performance aspects of computer music. It serves composers, computer software and hardware developers, researchers, and musicians who are interested in the integration of music and technology. ICMA functions include: The International Computer Music Conference The ICMA cosponsors the annual ICMC, which, since its inception in 1974, has become the preeminent yearly gathering of computer music practitioners from around the world.

1,389 read

May 2010, Vol. 13, No. 1 This journal is sponsored by the American Association for History and Computing (AAHC), organized at a conference held in Cincinnati in January 1996. The AAHC aspires to promote and develop interest in the use of computers in all types of historical study at every level, in both teaching and research. We believe that computers and computing are rapidly changing important elements of the work of historians and students of history, constituting a major transformation in the way knowledge is created and communicated. A major goal of this journal is to help define useful standards to maximize the utility of computers in historical studies. We welcome contributions from those interested in issues or resources related to history and computing.

1,556 read

Dental Cosmos, a Monthly Record of Dental Science was the first enduring national journal for the American dental profession, and one of the most significant in the early history of American dentistry. The foundation of dental practice was documented and debated in its pages from 1859 through 1936, when it merged with the Journal of the American Dental Association , serving as a cornerstone for JADA and the model of what a successful dental journal could be. Many of these original source articles are still cited and considered classics in the field. The conversion of Dental Cosmos (1859 to 1936) from print to electronic was made possible through the generous support of the Colgate-Palmolive Company. Last update December 4, 2006.

2,871 reads

The Western Michigan University Libraries United States Civil War Collection was launched in 2007 with 8 diaries of men with connections to Michigan or the Midwest. In 2009 the Collection expanded to include a selection of letters by Samuel Hodgman from Climax, Michigan, who served with the 7th Michigan Infantry. The addition of the letters was made possible by a donation from the Friends of the Western Michigan University Libraries in honor of Bettina Meyer, retired Associate Dean. The current collection represents diverse military experiences, ranging from a musician to a prisoner of war. The handwritten originals have full transcriptions that are searchable with subjects.

2,011 reads

Contemporary Aesthetics (CA) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer- and blind-reviewed online journal of contemporary theory, research, and application in aesthetics. This open-access journal is published on a rolling basis, and new content is freely available on the web at http://www.contempaesthetics.org . The publication is annually archived by the University of Michigan Library at this site. This archive consists of the whole CA backfile--from the first to the most recently completed volume --and is fully searchable and can be browsed by title, author, and volume. According to the editors of CA , in recent years aesthetics has grown into a rich and varied discipline.

1,871 read