Category: Social Sciences, Text, Atlas, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
1 result
Mapmaking and printing from 1820 to 2002
The Bartholomew Archive is the remarkable record of the Edinburgh-based firm of map engravers, printers and publishers, John Bartholomew & Son Ltd. It is one of the most extensive cartographic archives available for research in a public institution.
Members of the Bartholomew family were engaged in map-making from the first known map engraving work of George Bartholomew in 1825. John Bartholomew junior started printing operations before 1870. For more than a century afterwards the Bartholomew firm specialised in high-quality map production.
Importance of the archive
The Bartholomew Archive enables us to:
Atlas | Edinburgh | English | Geography | Image | John C Bartholomew | Map | Mapmaking | Maps | National Library of Scotland | Print | Publishing | Text | United Kingdom | Advertising, Marketing & PR | Geography & Maps | Business & Reference | Social Sciences
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