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NEWS IN THE CDLI COLLECTIONS CUNEIFORM ANYONE? CDLI depends on the assistance of collaborators of all stripes. Wish to submit files of new texts, or images, transliterations or corrections of entries in our database? Perhaps make a tax-deductible contribution to support our efforts? A DIGITAL LIBRARY FOR CUNEIFORM The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) represents the efforts of an international group of Assyriologists, museum curators and historians of science to make available through the internet the form and content of cuneiform tablets dating from the beginning of writing, ca. 3350 BC, until the end of the pre-Christian era.

♥ 60
29,845 reads

Thelner and Louise Hoover Collection   Thelner Barton Hoover attended UCLA from 1927 to 1930. During that time, he was both the official photographer for several university publications, and an unoffical chronicler of numerous campus events. His images of the UCLA buildings and academic community, which number almost 1,600, and were taken over a period of more than 50 years, provide an exceptionally thorough pictorial history of the UCLA Westwood campus. Hoover was the official student photographer for the "The Southern Campus" yearbook, the Daily Bruin (student newspaper) and the Athletic News Bureau.

♥ 0
1,903 read

Students in the Drew/UCLA medical program conduct an original research project related to the Primary Care program as part of their graduation requirements. The research projects generally grow from the students experiences in the Primary Care program continuity clinic that the students attend throughout their third year. During this year, students develop their research question, write a protocol, and obtain IRB approval for their research. Research is mainly conducted throughout the 4th year, culminating in a research paper and presentation at a student research colloquium. This research program will be transforming into a full medical thesis program beginning with the class of 2004.

♥ 0
2,224 reads

The UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections has selected and digitized 5,746 of the more than three million images contained in the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Daily News photographic archives. The photographs chronicle the history and growth of Los Angeles from the 1920s to 1990.

This collection of digitized images is made available online by the UCLA Digital Library to assist a wide variety of researchers, including scholars, educators, students, writers, filmmakers, urban planners, community activists, librarians, and members of the general public.

♥ 1
2,064 reads

S. Charles Lee (1899-1990) graduated from Technical College, Chicago in 1918 and the Armour Institute of Technology in 1921. He relocated to Los Angeles in 1922 where he designed numerous theaters and office buildings (1927-40), developed the Los Angeles International Industrial District (1948) and built several theaters in Mexico City (1942). The Collection contains drawings, renderings, blueprints, photographs, and surveys relating to Lee's professional career including his work as a developer and the most prolific architect of art deco movie palaces in Los Angeles.

♥ 1
1,883 read

This set of 640 images of neurons from the spinal cords thirty-six rats were created for use in Psychology 116, the psychobiology laboratory course, to train students in data analysis and interpretation. This image collection has also been used to test the transfer of digital objects between the Library's digital image collection and course management software systems.

♥ 2
1,807 read

Patent medicine is the term given to various medical compounds sold under a variety of names and labels, though they were for the most part actually trademarked medicines, not patented. In ancient times, such medicine was called nostrum remedium, "our remedy" in Latin, hence the name "nostrum"; it is a medicine whose efficacy is questionable and whose ingredients are usually kept secret.

The trade cards are small, colorfully illustrated advertising cards touting a particular medicine and its many cures. The illustrations often have little to do with any of the ailments purported to be cured. They were pure advertising and very collectible. The era of patent medicine began to unravel in the U.S. with the passage of the first Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906.

♥ 6
2,370 reads

Protesta Humana This collection contains rare examples of anarchist, socialist, and communist newspapers published in Buenos Aires during the late nineteenth century. The UCLA Digital Library Program is working with members of the History Department to provide these newspapers in searchable full-text versions. Esta colección contiene ejemplos raros de los periódicos anarquista, socialista, y comunista publicados en Buenos Aires durante el a fines del siglo diecinueve.

♥ 0
2,277 reads

The Sheet Music Consortium is a group of libraries working toward the goal of building an open collection of digitized sheet music using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Harvested metadata about sheet music in participating collections is hosted by UCLA Digital Library Program, which provides an access service via this metadata to sheet music records at the host libraries. Data providers have chosen to catalog their sheet music in different ways, but a large proportion of the original sheets in participating collections has been digitized, allowing users direct access to the music itself and in many cases covers and advertisements that offer evidence of the cultural context in which the songs were published.

♥ 1
5,643 reads

About the collection The AIDS Poster Collection consists of 625 posters from 44 countries including Australia , Austria , Canada , China (and Hong Kong ), Costa Rica , France , Germany , India , Japan , Luxembourg , Martinique , the Netherlands , New Zealand , Papua New Guinea , Poland , Portugal , Spain , Switzerland , Tahiti , Uganda , the United Kingdom , and the United States . The posters were issued by a variety of institutions and organizations to educate and warn people about AIDS and to offer advice and information in visual form. Some are more blunt and graphic than others, and they come in many styles.

♥ 1
1,668 read

  The UCLA Music Library's Archive of Popular American Music is a research collection covering the history of popular music in the United States from 1790 to the present. The collection, fully accessible at the item level through the UCLA Library Orion2 catalog, is one of the largest in the country, numbering almost 450,000 pieces of sheet music, anthologies, and arrangements for band and orchestra. The collection also includes 62,500 recordings on disc, tape, and cylinder.

♥ 1
2,600 reads

Online Campaign Literature Archive Every American election produces thousands of campaign flyers, pamphlets, posters, and bumper stickers, generally called "campaign literature." These documents provide an important record of the campaign, its participants, issues, and tactics. Despite this value, the small size, short production period, and irregular distribution of the documents, all outside the bounds of the traditional publishing industry, put most campaign literature beyond the scope of standard library collections. These materials are seldom saved for posterity.

♥ 0
1,187 read

UCLA Center for Oral History Research UCLA’s Center for Oral History Research collects oral history interviews related primarily to the history of Southern California and the Los Angeles metropolitan region. Interview transcripts and recordings not available through this Web site can be accessed in person at UCLA’s Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections . Transcripts, but no recordings, of interviews conducted before 2006 are also available in the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley. To purchase a copy of an oral history transcript or recording, please fill out the Oral History Copy Request Form . Copyright © 2011 UC Regents.

♥ 1
2,025 reads

About the Archive Links Collections Connexxus/Centro de Mujeres Collection Administrative records of one of the first Los Angeles non-profit organizations that catered and provided services to lesbians. Cruikshank (Margaret) Collection Book reviews, publicity materials, proposals, correspondence, press releases and interviews relating to Lesbian Studies, Lesbian Path; New Lesbian Writing, Lesbian-Feminist Study Clearing House. Faderman (Lillian) Collection Drafts of published papers, books and book reviews, research, correspondence, publicity materials and lesbian, gay and women's publications.

♥ 0
1,378 read

Canon Law   UCLA's Charles E. Young Research Library is fortunate to have a complete set of the 1582 Corpus Juris Canonici , the "Body of Canon Law." These three volumes contain not only the medieval collections of laws—notably, Gratian's Decretum (ca. 1140), Gregory IX's Liber Extra (1234), and Boniface VIII's Liber Sextus (1298)�but also the elaborate Ordinary Glosses and further commentaries on the laws that take up the vast inner margins, with further annotations on outer margins. These glosses, which are absolutely essential to historians of law, have not been reprinted since the seventeenth century, and copies are scarce.

♥ 2
2,137 reads