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USMA Library at West Point

  2011-2013 Program Review Published annually, the USMA Library Program Review details work of the past academic year and projects forward significant initiatives for the coming academic year. It also provides strategic guidance and awareness for the future of academic information and library support at the U.S. Military Academy. http://www.library.usma.edu/documents/about/USMALibraryProgram.pdf Mission Statement The United States Military Academy Library empowers our cadets, faculty, and staff to be leaders of distinction in scholarship and research by providing:   Vision Statement The United States Military Academy Library embraces and advances scholarship and research in a digital world through the development of skills, collections, and tools designed to equip future leaders and scholars for the Army and the nation. We challenge ourselves as information professionals to lead our community forward in adapting to the rapidly changing landscape of scholarship and library service. We build outstanding digital collections in support of the Academy curriculum, enhanced by appropriate local physical collections. We develop innovative and relevant tools to deliver, discover, and disseminate scholarship and research to our community, wherever they may be. We promote Jefferson Hall as the central place of multi-disciplinary and collaborative scholarly engagement for West Point and the Army. We pursue excellence in all that we do. Our Goals The United States Military Academy Library:   Jefferson Hall Jefferson Hall, completed in August 2008, reflects the Academy’s ongoing commitment to academic excellence. The Cadet Library, the Center for Enhanced Performance and the Center for Teaching Excellence, all providers of student-centered information services, are now consolidated in one central location, directly along the path from the barracks to Thayer Hall. Modern in design and composition, Jefferson Hall yet incorporates many of the characteristics of Central Area architecture, such as entry arches, limestone window surrounds and multi-paned windows. Special features include 8,000 amber-colored glass blocks on the north exterior wall of the ground floor and terracotta bricks on interior walls. New Hampshire granite, used on the exterior, is also incorporated in the interior walls of the lobby and sixth floor. The upholstered furniture was manufactured in North Carolina, and the wooden tables and chairs in Wisconsin.   Disclaimer: Non-DOD links may be provided for mission support and as a community service. Their appearance does not constitute an endorsement by the DOD, DA, or West Point.
