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About Us About Us Located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in the city of Claremont, California, 35 miles east of Los Angeles, The Claremont Colleges are a geographically contiguous set of five top-ranked liberal arts undergraduate colleges and two graduate institutions, uniquely configured to support and encourage interdisciplinary study. The Claremont Colleges Library, a part of The Colleges' supporting organization, the Claremont University Consortium, support all seven academic institutions across a wide spectrum of disciplines. The library holds more than 2 million print volumes and provides access to a vast array of electronic resources, both subscription and Open Access.

2,399 reads

Primeros Libros Project Agreement The Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI project will build a digital collection of the first books printed in Mexico before 1601. These monographs are very important because they represent the first printing in the New World and provide primary sources for scholarly studies focused on a variety of academic fields. Approximately 220 unique titles are held in institutions around the world with most held in Mexico and the United States.

2,588 reads

T he ongoing Maryland State Archives publication series, Archives of Maryland Online , currently provides access to over 471,000 historical documents that form the constitutional, legal, legislative, judicial, and administrative basis of Maryland's government. Online access enables users to research such topics as Maryland's constitutions and constitutional conventions' proceedings, session laws, proceedings of the General Assembly, governors' papers, and military records. This project allows the Archives to place into electronic form and preserve for future generations records that are scattered among a number of repositories and that often exist only on rapidly disintegrating paper.

1,964 read

About New York Heritage is a project of the NY 3Rs Association, Inc. New York Heritage is a project of the NY 3Rs Association, Inc. New York Heritage is a research portal for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the people, places and institutions of New York State. The site provides free access to more than 170 distinct digital collections, totalling hundreds of thousands of items. The collections in New York Heritage represent a broad range of historical, scholarly, and cultural materials held in libraries, museums, and archives throughout the state. Collection items include photographs, letters, diaries, directories, maps, newspapers, books, and more.

2,284 reads

The African e-Journals Project makes journals published in Africa and about Africa more available to scholars worldwide.

The project offers two major resources. First, a directory of journals about Africa provides information about where to find tables of contents and abstracts, full text of articles online, and journal webpages, where they are available.

Second, a full-text archive is provided of back issues of 11 scholarly journals published in Africa in the social sciences and humanities.

4,353 reads