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9 results


  2011-2013 Program Review Published annually, the USMA Library Program Review details work of the past academic year and projects forward significant initiatives for the coming academic year. It also provides strategic guidance and awareness for the future of academic information and library support at the U.S. Military Academy.

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About The school's highly talented and motivated students learn from 60 full-time faculty members - all experts in their chosen disciplines, and all dedicated to teaching, research and service. Learning takes place in state-of-the-art classrooms, in the on-campus Statler hotel, and in varied industry settings around the world. The result: a supremely accomplished alumni group-corporate executives and entrepreneurs who advance the industry and share their wisdom and experience with our students and faculty.

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About the Project Introduction aking of America (MOA) represents a major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to development of the U.S. infrastructure. Funded originally by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation , MOA sought to involve research institutions and national consortia to develop common protocols and consensus for the selection, conversion, storage, retrieval, and use of digitized materials on a large, distributed scale. The initial phase of the project, begun in the fall of 1995, focused on developing a collaborative effort between Cornell University and the University of Michigan .

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2,136 reads

What is Home Economics? The term "home economics" may call up stereotypical images of girls busily sewing and cooking in 1950s classrooms, images that have led many people to view this field as fundamentally narrow, dull, and socially conservative. In the 1960s and 1970s, the women's movement was often critical of home economics, seeing it as a discipline that worked to restrict girls and women to traditional domestic and maternal roles.

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About the Project A first segment of this proposed collection includes documents that pertain to the legacy of Marx and Freud (but also Lenin and Lacan) in Latin America. In particular, the complete collection of the journal Los Libros in Argentina, which played a key role in intellectual life, and still continues to do so today, even though very few people in the world have access to it now. This journal, which was closed by the military Junta in 1976, combined literary and cultural analysis with an increasingly political interrogation of events both in Argentina and abroad.

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1,921 read

About the Ezra Cornell Papers Preface Ezra Cornell referred to himself as a farmer and mechanic who had spent some time working in the telegraph industry. His ambition and imagination, however, were not so prosaic. Skillful work, uncommon tenacity, and fortuitous circumstances resulted in his amassing a fortune. As soon as it became clear that it was a fortune, he promptly rejected conventional practice and sage advice, and directed that those riches be used to found a unique university: a comprehensive and practical institution dedicated to all forms of intellectual endeavor.

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1,957 read

A Digital Collection of Cornell's University Archives The Cornell University Digital Archives is a collection of publications from the Cornell University Archives, comprising of a total of 26,481 pages dealing with the history of Cornell University. These materials date from 1868 until 1945 and involve a number of different publications including annual reports, class books and University registers. For a a complete listing of our digital collection click on the browse link.

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About The Cornell East Asia Book Series (CEAS), published by the East Asia Program, is well known within the scholarly community for publishing quality books at affordable prices. We have a well-maintained website , and distribute our own books to the academic community and the public at large via mail-order and a secure online bookstore. We have published many books of lasting historical and literary value since the series was founded in 1972, when the publication was called the Cornell University East Asia Papers and the program was called the China-Japan Program. Some of these titles have gone out of print, mostly due to financial limitations. Here we are making available the best of our out-of-print collection. Most books are text-only, some include pictures and maps.

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About the Collection The C. V. Starr East Asian Library's run of Ling long women's magazine is one of the most complete outside China, acquired, we believe, in the late 1930s or early 1940s as part of a concerted effort to enlarge Columbia University's Chinese-language holdings. The collection expanded dramatically in the years between 1938 and 1941 when the holdings more than doubled, thanks to a special grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

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