About the Collection The C. V. Starr East Asian Library's run of Ling long women's magazine is one of the most complete outside China, acquired, we believe, in the late 1930s or early 1940s as part of a concerted effort to enlarge Columbia University's Chinese-language holdings. The collection expanded dramatically in the years between 1938 and 1941 when the holdings more than doubled, thanks to a special grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Arts & Humanities | China | Chinese | Columbia University | Education | English | European Center for Digital Resources | Image | Lifestyle | Magazine | New York | Text | United States | University of Heidelberg | Women | Lifestyle, Family & Relationships | History & Historiography | Sociology & Demography | Social Sciences
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3,601 reads
The aim of the VICTORIAN WOMEN WRITERS' LETTERS PROJECT is to make available through electronic publication the correspondences of early to mid-Victorian British women writers in a form that attempts to capture the multiplexity of epistolary communication.
Anna Jameson | Arts & Humanities | Biography | Canada | Dataset | Diary | English | Harriet Martineau | Letters | Literature | Simon Fraser University | Text | Victorian literature | Women | Writers | Biography | Literature & Poetry | Social Sciences
♥ 1
2,301 reads