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Category: Text, English, Ecology, North Carolina

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In 1991, Charles E. Little and The Johns Hopkins University Press donated the core of what would become the Greenways Archive at NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center. After the completion of his path-breaking book, Greenways for America, Charles E. Little wanted to donate his impressive collection of greenways material to an academic institution that was committed to the development of greenways systems across the United States. NCSU was chosen as the repository for the Archive because of the strong interest for greenways in the Raleigh, NC area and the university's renowned programs in Parks and Recreation, Landscape Design, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences. For several years, however, the Archive remained undeveloped, consisting primarily of the Little papers.

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Project Information Phase I Thanks to a grant from the State Library of North Carolina, North Carolina ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) in 2001, The North Carolina State University Libraries' Special Collections Research Center, in collaboration with the Biltmore Company in Asheville and the Forest History Society in Durham, created an online resource for research and information on forestry history in the state of North Carolina. The partners established this web site to provide access to collections of rare and unique items for the general public, students and scholars. During the first phase of the project, the partner institutions digitized primary research materials, including photographs, diaries, correspondence, artifacts, and printed materials. The Carl A.

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