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: Photography

Category: Video, English, Photography

4 results


About Us About Us Located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in the city of Claremont, California, 35 miles east of Los Angeles, The Claremont Colleges are a geographically contiguous set of five top-ranked liberal arts undergraduate colleges and two graduate institutions, uniquely configured to support and encourage interdisciplinary study. The Claremont Colleges Library, a part of The Colleges' supporting organization, the Claremont University Consortium, support all seven academic institutions across a wide spectrum of disciplines. The library holds more than 2 million print volumes and provides access to a vast array of electronic resources, both subscription and Open Access.

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About the Project Named after the pioneering critic of the commercialization of mass media, the late Professor Rose Goldsen of Cornell University, the Archive was founded in 2002 by Timothy Murray to house international art work produced on CD-Rom, DVD-Rom, video, digital interfaces, and the internet. Its collection of supporting materials includes unpublished manuscripts and designs, catalogues, monographs, and resource guides to new media art.

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About The Project The March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project supports understanding of the struggle for racial equality by helping users discover primary sources and other educational materials from the collections of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society. The digital collection includes the selected papers of individuals representing a variety of positions on the civil rights issue, photographs, unedited footage from the WTMJ-TV news film archives, and oral history interviews capturing the recollections and perspectives of individuals who participated in the movement.

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The website provides a visual record of changes in economic, social, and environmental life in the region as depicted in the evolving technology of photography. The time period covered in the website begins with the announcement in the Pittsburgh Gazette of the invention of a chemical process by Louis Daguerre. This process would later become known to the world as photography and would be used by generations of photographers to explore life and changes in Western Pennsylvania. “Life in Western Pennsylvania 1840-1970” is organized into three major categories:
1) Searchable database 2) Timeline 3) Section on preservation and identification of photographs. There are also sections on student activities, picture puzzles, e-cards, a teacher’s guide, and project documentation.

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