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Category: Science & Technology, Image, Wisconsin

4 results


The items in this digital collection were selected from The George Hardie Aviation and Aerospace History Collection held in UWM Libraries' Special Collections. This digital collection consists of ten items, including selected pages from early aviation books, manuals, and catalogs, as well as a number of complete monographs. The items selected for digitization were chosen for their uniqueness and potential usefulness to aviation history researchers. We hope that casual browsers will also enjoy the materials found here. The George Hardie Aviation and Aerospace History Collection in Special Collections at UWM's Golda Meir Library documents the development of modern aviation and aircraft through primary printed sources published from the 1890s to the mid-1960s.

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About the Collection Content and Scope Whether it's by bullet train in Tokyo or dogsled in arctic Canada, people of the world have always had a need to get from "point A" to "point B". The photographs in Transportation Around the World : 1911-1993 present a wide variety of transportation methods used in 79 countries across the globe. The 650 images contained in this digital collection were selected from three separate photographic collections: the Harrison Forman Collection , Harold Mayer Collection , and American Geographical Society Library Print Collection .

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About the Collection This digital collection presents over 90 photographs taken by Harrison Forman at the outbreak of World War II in Poland. The photographic collection is supplemented by a selection of newspaper clippings and an article "Filming the Blitzkrieg," published by Forman in Travel magazine in December 1939. The photographs, documenting the Nazi invasion of Poland in September of 1939, were recently discovered in the American Geographical Society Library at the UWM Libraries. The images are part of the extensive Harrison Forman Collection that was donated to the American Geographical Society Library in 1987. Harrison Forman (1904-1978), a Wisconsin native, was an adventurous journalist, photographer, and explorer.

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American Journeys contains more than 18,000 pages of eyewitness accounts of North American exploration, from the sagas of Vikings in Canada in AD1000 to the diaries of mountain men in the Rockies 800 years later. Read the words of explorers, Indians, missionaries, traders and settlers as they lived through the founding moments of American history. View, search, print, or download more than 150 rare books, original manuscripts, and classic travel narratives from the library and archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society. To get started, simply select an activity on the toolbar above. Funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum & Library Services and by private donors, American Journeys is a collaborative project of the Wisconsin Historical Society and National History Day.

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