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The items in this digital collection were selected from The George Hardie Aviation and Aerospace History Collection held in UWM Libraries' Special Collections. This digital collection consists of ten items, including selected pages from early aviation books, manuals, and catalogs, as well as a number of complete monographs. The items selected for digitization were chosen for their uniqueness and potential usefulness to aviation history researchers. We hope that casual browsers will also enjoy the materials found here. The George Hardie Aviation and Aerospace History Collection in Special Collections at UWM's Golda Meir Library documents the development of modern aviation and aircraft through primary printed sources published from the 1890s to the mid-1960s.

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I nteractive N umeric & S patial I nformation D ata E ngine Non-georeferenced Scanned Historic Air Photos for Idaho The Historic Air Photo online mapping application provides a way to geospatially locate a selected set of non-georeferenced scanned historic air photos for Idaho contained in the Idaho aerial views database. It allows users to determine the flight year, the University of Idaho CD-ROM call number, and the image name for every fifth image along a given project flight line.

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