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Category: Social Sciences, Literature, New York

3 results


About the Alfredo Montalvo Bolivian Digital Pamphlets Collection This collection of 715 digitized works comes principally from a donation made to Cornell by the Bolivian bookseller, Alfredo Montalvo, who has supplied the university with library materials for over a quarter century. The pamphlets document a century of Bolivian literate culture, beginning in 1848. They show a nation's struggle to establish viable institutions, to develop its economy, to educate its children and the back and forth of political argument. In their aggregate these pamphlets capture the energy of the Bolivian people-sometimes misdirected, often contentious, but never quiescent. Readers will also want to consult complimentary collections of Bolivian pamphlets.

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APIS is a collections-based repository hosting information about and images of papyrological materials (e.g. papyri, ostraca, wood tablets, etc) located in collections around the world. It contains physical descriptions and bibliographic information about the papyri and other written materials, as well as digital images and English translations of many of these texts. When possible, links are also provided to the original language texts (e.g. through the Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri). The user can move back and forth among text, translation, bibliography, description, and image.

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The Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research. It bridges the gap between a diverse user community and the limited resources of libraries by means of sample imaging and extensive rather than intensive cataloguing.  

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