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The Collection Cite as: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Papers. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University Related: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's Libroni 10,705 slides taken from a microfilm of F. T. Marinetti's seven Libroni or scrapbooks, compiled by Marinetti between 1905 and 1944, the year of his death. Share |

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The Beinecke Library digitized 10,705 slides taken from a microfilm of F. T. Marinetti's seven Libroni or scrapbooks, compiled by Marinetti between 1905 and 1944, the year of his death. These scrapbooks contain thousands of newspaper clippings, journal articles, cartoons, drawings, photographs, manuscript items and other printed ephemera, which document Futurism and the avant-garde. The slides were acquired by the Library in 1999, along with a detailed listing of virtually every item depicted. That detailed listing is the source of the bibliographic data currently linked to each image. The Libroni database contains bibliographic errors, items lacking description, and image legibility and sequencing problems.

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